
Mount Khalid delivering Structural Excellence with Agha Steel

  • 20 November 2023

 Mount Khalid - Islamabad’s Tallest Residential Complex, is thrilled to announce its partnership with Agha Steel, a renowned steel manufacturer, to construct Islamabad's first fully residential green structure complex. This strategic collaboration aims to deliver architectural excellence while upholding environmentally friendly practices.

As part of this promising partnership, Agha Steel will supply their acclaimed High-End Deformed steel debars, specially designed in accordance with the rigorous ASTM 615 G80 standard. These eco-friendly steel bars not only meet the highest industry standards but also contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint in the region.

The fully residential green structure complex is a groundbreaking project in Islamabad, serving as a remarkable testament to Mount Khalid's commitment to sustainability and innovation in construction by using top-of-the-line, environmentally responsible construction materials.